The Educart English Practice Tests provides practice material for students preparing for the English language examination. It contains more than thirty-five English exams, along with the answer key, grammatical rules, writing techniques, and a step-by-step guide to preparing and taking English examinations.
The material covers a wide range of topics carefully selected, edited or written to appeal to the students and suit their needs and age group. The topics deal with local, national and global issues, most of which are currently discussed in public and likely to be focused upon in the examinations. The tests follow the format of the official Brevet English language examination; in addition, other testing tools that are used in diagnostic as well as achievement tests have been incorporated so that students are well prepared to take any English language examination. On the other hand, the tests can be used for teaching as well.
The Educart English Practice Tests is another Educart publication which will prove to be of great benefit and interest to the learners of English in Lebanon and the Arab World.